by Viviane | Aug 29, 2023
Is your dog triggered by other dogs, cars, people, or other stimuli while on walks? Does he/she lunge, bark, pull/drag you to towards the distraction? If so, your dog is leash reactive, and our 6-week course will give you the tools and resources to make your walks...
by Viviane | Aug 29, 2023
Is your dog triggered by other dogs, cars, people, or other stimuli while on walks? Does he/she lunge, bark, pull/drag you to towards the distraction? If so, your dog is leash reactive, and our 6-week course will give you the tools and resources to make your walks...
by Viviane | Jul 26, 2023
Our 6-week course for dogs over 5 months old. Super Dogs is designed for those slightly older dogs that are new to training and need some help with the basics. Learn all that helpful stuff like positions, walking on leash, coming when called, and so much...
by Viviane | Jul 26, 2023
Our 6-week course for puppies between 3 and 5 months old. The foundations are extremely important for puppies. This is a great introductory class that focuses on building a strong bond and teaching you how to communicate with your dog. This class also addresses...
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