Making Every Day a
Good Dog Day!

We believe that parents play a key role in the education of their pets.  Like all relationships, the one between human and dog needs nurturing.  The services we provide will help you maintain a solid bond with your canine friend.

Dog Training

We aim for quality over quantity! Small group classes for all training levels and private classes for specific challenges. We can help you and your dog!


You want to learn some doggy wisdom and gain some insights?

Come listen to our podcast!

Because training a dog is not always black and white…
Each dog has their own color!


Josh has learned this from his own experience and understood very early on that a cookie-cutter method was not sustainable. Because just like children, each dog is different, we use a customized approach to help you and your canine to build a strong relationship.

Do you have a challenging case?

We’ve got you covered


We will work with you to help manage, modify, and prevent problem behavior in your dog.


We are specially trained experts in the principles of animal behavior and animal learning, with a set of science-backed tools, such as behavior modification.


We will help identify the cause of your dog’s problem behavior, and then create a customized treatment plan, teach you how to carry it out successfully, and follow-up to help with any headaches you may be experiencing along the way.

“Both Rolo and Smudge had training at Canine Education. Rolo the brown poodle mix 7years old had private lessons. Smudge black lab mix 2 years old did Super dogs and leash reactivity. What great lessons for the dogs as well as the owners. Helped me to understand how to communicate to my pack. Thanks again Josh and Jenna”

— Donna, parent of Rolo & Smudge

Canine Education

Proven Science Based Training that will set you and your dog up for success!

Contact Us

Montreal, West Island

(514) 777-7894

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 10am - 8pm

Sat: 10am - 4pm​​

Sun: 10am - 6pm

We now have a Podcast!

You want to learn some doggy wisdom and gain some insights?

Come listen to our new podcast!
